
Showing posts from October, 2020

Exercise Joint Warrior 2020/2

  Joint Warrior This year still sees much military activity. Between the 4th October – 15th October 2020 participants from Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, NATO members, and others come together for a Joint Tactical Exercise featuring aircraft, ships and land troops. Prestwick is home to some of the aircraft taking part and I took a visit to see what was happening and spent a night away in a Marstons Inn hotel so I could spend a couple of days there. Prestwick enthusiasts have created a website showing daily movements which helps like minded people know when aircraft are coming in and out. The Scottish Aviation Photographers group on Facebook and Fight Control forum are also great tools for finding out movements. A link to the weekends movements can be found at (These are updated monthly) Weekends movements on 9th/10th were: Friday 9 October 2020 ZZ338 A330-2 RAF RRR2825 arr 0005 dep 0137ish 11-00283 MC12W USA RONIN26 arr 0940ish dep 1054 63-80...