Edinburgh Airport

 Edinburgh Airport

During the 2020 lockdown Edinburgh has seen a significant loss in passenger numbers and flights just like most other airports. Most days there where a maximum of just two flights daily going in and out. This included, KLM to Amsterdam Schipol and a BA flight to London Heathrow. As of November 2020 there are now around 40 flights a day. 20 inbound and the same outbound which is nothing in comparison to previous years.

A quiet airport meant that a lot of military movements would use the approaches and runways and the skies around Edinburgh, Fife and The Lothians for training purposes

The distinctive sound of the Boeing CH-47 Chinook twin rotor heavy lift helicopter always never goes without a miss. 

A rare visitor to Edinburgh Airport during lockdown was the Boeing E-3D Sentry with its unique spinning radar dome on top.

'Yankee' Lockheed KC-130T Hercules 165315 sitting on the apron.


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